This post is all about Venice, Italy. I went there at the beginning of December 2007, when two friends of mine pitched in and bought me plane tickets to go with them (Merry Christmas to me!).

So without further ado... I give you... Venice!

To the French, Venice is the epitome of romance. In the same way that we Americans look at Paris and swoon (generally... I'm sure there are those of you reading who disagree), the French look at Venice and hear nothing but the birds and the bees. I was not aware of this, though, until I informed my host family that I was going to Venice for the weekend. "Oh la la!!! Mais avec qui?!" (oh my! who with?!). They were understandably confused, having heard me time and again explain the whole "I'm not interested in dating until I know it's who I'm gonna marry" thing... and then when I told them that I was going with not one, but TWO lovely young ladies they were shocked! After carefully explaining that Katie and Erin were just friends, they let it go... but I totally understood why they were freaking out once we got to Venice.
Such beauty! It's absolutely breathtaking, and old, and classic, and solemn, and whimsical, and everything else you could imagine all at the same time!

So at some point in the weekend, we ended up having zero euros between the three of us. What was the solution? I put a beret down in front of me and started singing Christmas carols in hopes that we might be able to get at least a little bit of money so we could eat and get back to the airport. It worked! I made about 200 dollars (130 euros) :)

Thanks for visiting, faithful readers. My goal is to get the rest of my Europe pictures published here in the next week or so. I'll try to put more up tomorrow evening, so keep on checking in!
WOW, I'm so glad you finally updated with such beautiful pictures! You're so blessed to have experienced such amazing things! Can't wait to see and hear about what your future holds!
Beautiful!!!! You have an amazing collection of photos and memories to keep forever. What a delight to open up blogger and see your update:) I'm so happy for you and your travels!
so all it took was a convo with Uncle Brian, huh? :) Thanks for the beautiful pics Bevan, I know you miss it and have wonderful memories.
I don't remember YELLING, but I'm glad that my "prompting" worked!! These pictures are absolutely beautiful--yet I doubt that they fully capture what it must have been like to be there. What a wonderful experience you've had--treasure it!! As far as the "singing for euros", I shudder to think what I would've had to do to earn that much!! Surely wouldn't have been by singing!!
Wow! Some of these shots could be postcards. I can't believe the experiences you've had - and what nice friends to buy you the ticket. And $200! Wow... is all I can say!
Tom and I used an extra student loan to go to Italy when we were in college - we spent a couple of days in Venice - it was amazing! Just like you, we spent a ton of time wandering around just trying to find our hotel...
We didn't do a gondola ride (shoestring budget, 2 very poor college kids with hardly enough $$ to eat while we were there!), did you get to do one? We still crack up at this one gondola guy who was really trying to get us to take a ride with him, and kept following us around saying "we go? we go?" over and over...
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